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How to Easily Remove Eyelash Extensions with Vaseline

How To Easily Remove Eyelash Extensions with Vaseline (2023)

Quick Guide: How to Safely and Easily Remove Eyelash Extensions

While eyelash extensions are primarily used for cosmetic purposes, eyelash extensions can also help protect your natural eyelashes from damage. The extra weight of extensions can cause your lashes to break or fall off prematurely, so it’s important to remove them using the correct method. Here’s how:

  1. You should remove eyelash extensions after 4 weeks of applying eyelash extensions.
  2. Prepare Vaseline and cotton balls or makeup pads.
  3. Take a cotton pad and soak it in coconut oil or any oil-based cleanser.
  4. Cleanse the face and the area around the eyes with warm water.
  5. Take some Vaseline and gently apply it to the base of the lashes using a cotton ball.
  6. Wait until Vaseline fully penetrates the glue of the eyelash extensions.
  7. Gently and slowly remove the extensions using your fingers or a cotton swab.
  8. Wash the face with warm water to remove any remaining Vaseline.
  9. It has the benefit of being less irritated by the eyes and skin.

Check out the rest of the article for more information on removing eyelash extensions with Vaseline.

Eyelash extension is a popular beauty treatment that can make your lashes look fuller and curled. However, when you want to remove these extensions, it can be tricky. Using chemicals or some adhesives to remove the lashes can potentially harm your eyes, so using natural items like Vaseline to remove the extensions is safer and gentler. You can trust ICONSIGN to get curled and long eyelashes without harming your natural eyelashes. Here are some steps on how to use Vaseline to remove eyelash extensions.

When to remove eyelash extensions?

The lifespan of newly applied eyelash extensions is 6 to 8 weeks. The extensions are attached to your natural lashes and will begin to fall out as your natural lashes go through their growth cycle. Therefore, around 4 weeks after applying for eyelash extensions, half of the extensions may have fallen out with the natural lashes. This is the best time to remove eyelash extensions.

If you feel that your eyelids are heavy after getting eyelash extensions, it may indicate that they are too heavy for your natural lashes to bear. In this case, removing the extensions as soon as possible is important to prevent your natural lashes from falling out along with the extensions.

When to remove eyelash extensions

Step-by-Step Guide to Removal

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Step 1:Prepare Vaseline and cotton balls or makeup pads. It is recommended to use unscented or low-sensitivity Vaseline.
Step by Step Guide to Removal
Step 2:Cleanse the face and the area around the eyes with warm water. This will remove residual makeup and prevent Vaseline from sticking to the skin.
Step by Step Guide to Removal 1
Step 3: Take a small amount of Vaseline and gently apply it to the base of the lashes using a cotton ball or makeup pad. Remember to avoid the eyes.
Step by Step Guide to Removal 2
Step 4: Wait for a few minutes to allow Vaseline to fully penetrate the glue of the eyelash extensions, making it softer and easier to remove.
Step by Step Guide to Removal 3
Step 5: Gently and slowly remove the extensions from the base of the lashes using your fingers or a cotton swab. If you feel any resistance or pain, stop and wait for Vaseline to soften the glue further.
Step by Step Guide to Removal 4
Step 6: Once all the extensions have been removed, you can wash the face and the area around the eyes with warm water to remove any remaining Vaseline.
Step by Step Guide to Removal 5

Pros of Removing Eyelash Extensions with Vaseline

Using Vaseline to remove eyelash extensions has the benefit of being a gentle and natural method with less irritation to the eyes and skin. However, it is important to be gentle and avoid getting Vaseline into the eyes as this can cause discomfort and irritation.


In summary, using Vaseline to remove eyelash extensions is a gentle, simple, easy, and safe method if you use the right tools and follow the above steps. You can quickly and safely remove the extensions without harming your natural lashes.

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